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Is there a way we can filter time by task and date range?

A customer submitted the following question as a feature request. Is there a way we can filter time by task and date range? There are several report options available to analyze hours by task with a date range: Project Activity Report Select “By Task” in the Summary Only dropdown to view tasks with time logged […]

How do I find a saved report?

A customer asked this question to our support team. How do I find a saved report? Saved reports appear in two locations: (1) My Reports Section Navigate to Reports >> My Reports to find all saved reports. The left-hand column provides filters, including an option to view only scheduled reports. From the My Reports section […]

Is there a way to report or export the date created for tasks?

A customer asked the following question: Is there a report to show how many tasks were incepted/created in 2024? This would not be a filter by the start date in the task, those aren’t reliable inception dates. There are a few options on this front. Task Snapshot Report In the “Group by” options there is […]

How to set a default work type per person

Here’s a feature request from one of our customers: Can we assign a work type at the user level? This would improve the speed of timesheet completion and reduce the number of errors caused by individuals booking time against the wrong work types. This highly requested feature in Intervals allows assigning a default work type […]

Roll-up Report

A long-time customer asked the following question: I currently use the Project Activity report “By Task” and it does a pretty good job but I would like to flatten out the tasks. I don’t need each individual time entry displayed. I just need the total hours and total $ on the task. Is there a […]

How to add a second tax rate

A Canadian customer asked the following question about invoicing. In Québec (Canada) we need two taxes fields… Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Québec Sales Tax (QST) apply to most purchases or leases of property or services. GST is calculated at the rate of 5% on the selling price. QST is calculated at the rate […]

How to add sales tax to invoices

A customer asked the following question about invoicing: Is there a way to add sales tax on invoices? I don’t see a way to do this other than manually adding a line-item. To add sales tax directly to an invoice in Intervals, select “edit” at the top of the invoice, which allows you to modify […]

Is there a report to see who approved which timesheet?

A customer asked the following question: Is there a report or way to quickly see the approver of timesheets or does it only show up when viewing an individual timesheet? When a timesheet is approved, it is stamped with the name of the approver and the time of approval. This information is visible at the […]

Can I apply a date range to the Project Landscape Report?

A customer asked the following question: The Project Landscape Report is great and has everything we need for our year end reporting, but I don’t see a way to narrow down the report by when the project was created. Is there a way to narrow down the projects included or does it only show all […]

How do I add a new Project Label to existing projects?

A customer submitted the following question. Hi. I’m managing Intervals in the interim I’m looking to add “shippers” to our Project Labels. Can you help me understand where I can make this change? Project Labels can be managed by any administrator user that has been granted access to the Settings & Defaults section. Hare are […]

Can I bulk delete tasks?

A longtime customer asked the following question. I would like to delete more than one task at a time. Is there a way to do this? One employee added twenty one pages of tasks which all need to be deleted. How do I accomplish this? The bulk task updater can be used to delete multiple […]

Which Intervals themes are the most popular?

A longtime customer gave us the following feedback about the custom theme feature: The Red theme was close to our brand style guide, but now we can make it perfectly match. Thank you so much! Random curiosity, are you able to share which themes are the most popular? No problem at all. As of June […]

I can’t add a person to a project team. What am I doing wrong?

We received this question from an Intervals customer that has a few hundred users on their account. We are doing some housekeeping on our projects and I am having some trouble assigning a person to a project. When I go to the project team they don’t show up as an option. Can you advise why? […]

Can I change the name of invoice?

A customer asked our support team this question. I need to edit an invoice and change the name, but I don’t see how to do it. Am I missing it? The title/name of an invoice can be updated by navigating to the invoice in question and clicking on the edit icon at the top of […]

Is there a way to have custom Task Statuses on each project?

A customer asked the following question: Is there a way to change or update task statuses to be use in a single project? So, we can have different statuses by project? There is not a way to configure per project task statuses. This is true for task priorities as well. Both of these items are […]

Can you hide the hours on the Gantt chart?

A customer made the following feature request. It would be good if you could run the Gantt and not show the estimated and actual time. We are just starting a project that is fixed cost, not hours-based, and I would like to provide the Gantt for the timeline information. But not show the hours as […]

Can I unsubmit a timesheet?

A customer made the following feature request: When the “Submit for approval” button is pressed accidentally there is no confirmation required nor any way to undo the action. I should be able to retract incomplete or incorrect timesheets so that they are not approved by my manager. When a timesheet is submitted for approval, it […]

Tracking time directly on Cards in Kanban view

A customer asked the following question. We mainly use the Kanban view for our daily sync up meetings but we are hoping to start using the cards to track time too. Is there a way to track time in the Kanban view? The Kanban board that is enabled via the card view functionality includes fully […]

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