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Can I run a report that shows hours by task status?

There are a couple of options on this front. The task listing itself can be used to filter tasks by a desired status. Click here for an example of what that looks like. This will show the estimated and actual hours for the tasks as well, but there will not be a breakdown of the […]

Can I create recurring tasks?

Recurring tasks are supported. This group of recurring task help articles includes tips and tricks and common questions around using recurring tasks. If you prefer to manually manage ongoing and recurring tasks instead of using recurring tasks feature there are a few options. Tasks can be rescheduled or copied to achieve a similar purpose. Copying […]

Can I setup a rate per person?

Work types are commonly used to define the type of activity rather than the individual performing it. However, Intervals offers flexibility—you can set work types per person and assign specific rates. This approach allows for various custom setups to suit different team needs. For example: Junior Copywriting Senior Copywriting OR Bill – Copywriting Sam – […]

How do I locate the link to my account in order to login?

Each Intervals account comes with a unique subdomain that identifies the account. This is done by design so that you can personalize Intervals to match your brand as much as possible without the name “Intervals” being front and center. Sometimes people forget the unique URL for their account so they don’t know where to login. […]

Should a “job” be a project or a task?

It really depends on how big the job is. Think of a project as a “container” for multiple tasks. If in order to execute the “job” you need to have multiple tasks to complete it, create a project that houses all the tasks that make up that job. If the job has a short lifespan […]

How do I change my password?

Each user can change their password by navigating to ‘Change Password’ under their user profile: The second step is to enter the new password and click save:  

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