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Tracking time directly on Cards in Kanban view

A customer asked the following question. We mainly use the Kanban view for our daily sync up meetings but we are hoping to start using the cards to track time too. Is there a way to track time in the Kanban view? The Kanban board that is enabled via the card view functionality includes fully […]

View recently updated cards while using kanban boards

A customer asked this question: I love the new card view. A previous kanban tool we used had recently updated cards. Is there anything comparable with Intervals? The recently updated functionality that exists in the tasks menu can be used in conjunction with card view to view recently updated tasks while using the kanban board. […]

Can I show less information on the cards in the Kanban view?

An early adopter customer made the following feature request. When using the Kanban board sometimes I don’t need to use the timers or show detailed information. Is there a way to compact the cards to make the most of the screen real estate? There is. In the “Options” menu there are three options to control […]

Introduction to Task Views – Table, Card, and Simple

What are task views? Intervals provides three different views of task lists. empowering you to visualize your work the way that works best for you. The three options are the default table view, card view (aka Kanban board), and simple view. Each of these views include the ability to filter, search, and sort tasks, however, […]

Introduction to the Task Card View (Kanban Board)

The task list page, found under the Tasks tab, provides three different views — the default table view, card view, and simple view. This help article explains the task card view and illustrates how to take advantage of its many features. What is the card view? Like the default table view, the card view includes […]

Is there a Kanban view available?

Kanban functionality is integrated into the task listing via the Card view functionality. The task listing has three different ways to view tasks. Task Views – Table, Card, & Simple Table view (Default task listing) Card view (Kanban board) Simple view (Simplified task listing) Switching into the Card view of tasks launches the fully integrated […]

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