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Is there an expenses report?

Intervals does include an Expenses Report. It is available in the reporting section and via the links on the Project Dashboard. The report can be exported to a spreadsheet program, emailed or exported to PDF like most of the reports. Accessing from the Reports menu: Accessing from Project Dashboard: The report can be run for […]

What can I do if I am not receiving emails sent from Intervals?

On occasion spam filters do block the emails sent from Intervals. Checking a spam filter is definitely the best place to start. If that does not turn out to be the culprit, all emails from Intervals are sent from on behalf of the user. Approving as an authorized sender and/or whitelisting all email […]

Can I see who has timers running? Can I show current timers?

Intervals includes an active timers page to see active and paused timers. Here are a few of the uses for the active timers page: See what your team is working on in real-time. This can be especially helpful with distributed teams. Pause and apply a timer on behalf of someone else (Administrators only). Clear a […]

Is there a way to run a report showing when tasks are due?

On the task listing itself you can click to sort on the due column in the header to sort the tasks based on due date. If you are wanting to search for tasks that are due within a certain date range, the advanced task search can be used for this. First, click on the Advanced […]

Can I reset another user’s username and password?

By design passwords are private to each person but there are two options on this front. Administrator level users can look up the person in the people section and then click on the link at the top of the person’s profile to trigger an email to set their log in information. Another option is to […]

Can I edit the project number or use custom project numbers?

If you happen to have project numbers/codes that are not numerical or that are not sequential, there is not a way to add an additional field to projects at this time but a workaround is to append or prepend the number/code to the project name. We have seen Intervals customers that have pretty customized job […]

Can I add a cost rate per person and per client?

The intent with Intervals is to track the client facing total as opposed to an internal cost total and Intervals is light on accounting functionality in general. There is not a way to enter a cost rate and a client facing rate at this time. Data can be exported and the rates modified to apply […]

Missing timesheets: Can I see who has not tracked time?

One of the core features of Intervals is time tracking and weekly timesheets. When users track their time in Intervals, the time entries are aggregated into a weekly timesheet which can be submitted for approval. All Administrator level users are notified and can approve submitted timesheets. To see users that have not submitted their timesheet(s), […]

Can I setup pre-pay contracts and retainers?

You can and Intervals handles this scenario really well. When we first built Intervals we were doing a healthy amount of web development on the Pelago side of our business. We typically did custom development projects that were followed up with maintenance contracts. We would offer pricing discounts on our hourly rate based on how […]

How do I address an invoice to a client contact?

After an invoice has been created, it can be edited to change the recipient. When the top half of an invoice is in edit mode, a drop down menu will appear that shows any of the people in Intervals (contacts or users) that have been associated with the client. In the following example, an invoice […]

Can I add a discount to an invoice?

The best way to add a discount to a project invoice is to add a negative line item. A project credit can be issued as well but that will not show up on the invoice. Invoices based on actual work performed and free from invoices both have the option to add a line item manually. […]

Can I add task dependencies?

Intervals is designed in a fashion that does not include traditional task dependencies like the waterfall method and MS Project utilizes (Finish to Finish, Start to Start, lag, lead, etc.) and is built more around Agile project management philosophies where tasks are more free form in nature and milestones are utilized heavily. The closest functionality […]

Can I pay annually? and by check?

The Top Shelf and Unlimited plans both have an annual payment option. We only accept credit card payments at this time, which includes American Express, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. We are not able to accept checks or other forms of payment. Here’s how the annual payment option works. If you would like to pay annually […]

How do I move time from one project to another?

To change the project that saved time is associated with, you’ll need to edit the time directly from the Timesheet (for a specific person) or on the Edit Time page. Note: If you’re editing time directly on the task, changing the client/project is not allowed. The Edit Time page allows for bulk editing of time, […]

Does Intervals include CRM functionality?

If you are looking for true CRM functionality in a system with leads, opportunities, contact management and a funnel, Intervals doesn’t do that. However, Intervals can be used as a sales tool to keep track of leads and bids. A sales project can be used to keep all of your template documents stored within Intervals that […]

Can a project belong to more than one client?

The short answer is, no. There is a one to many relationship between clients and projects. Meaning, a project can belong only to one client, but, a client can have multiple projects assigned. To see which client is associated with a project, use the project listing or the project profile pages. On the listing page, […]

I can’t add time? What is an approved time frame?

If you see this error message while adding time, it means that the timesheet for the given week has been approved. By design, approved timesheets are locked and cannot be edited without unapproving the timesheet first. Administrator level users can unapprove timesheets that are locked. To unapprove a timesheet: 1. As an Administrator, navigate to Time […]

Can I create a quote or estimate that a client signs off on?

Intervals does not natively do estimates that a client signs off on at this time. We are contemplating adding estimates but the feature is not on the development plan at this time. One of the challenges we have learned is that people do bids in very different ways. When we used to do primarily web […]

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