Intervals requires that the administrator level user who initially created the account be designated as the Intervals Administrator. This designation grants that person, as well as the Billing Contact, ownership of the account and authority to request account level changes via our support team.
This person cannot have their account deactivated. However, there are scenarios where the account ownership may need to be transferred to another administrator level user. For example, if the original account owner steps into another role or leaves the company. In that case, they will need to transfer the ownership to another administrator.
Here’s how it’s done:
- Log in as the account owner, also known as the Intervals Administrator.
- Navigate to Options (⚙) > Settings & Defaults.
- Use the dropdown in the left column, under the heading Intervals Administrator, to select the person to be the new account owner and save.
When the newly designated Intervals Administrator will be prompted to agree to the Intervals Terms of Service.