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How to set a default work type per person

Here’s a feature request from one of our customers: Can we assign a work type at the user level? This would improve the speed of timesheet completion and reduce the number of errors caused by individuals booking time against the wrong work types. This highly requested feature in Intervals allows assigning a default work type […]

How can I export time from a single task to Excel?

A customer asked the following question: Is there a way to extract the time logged for a single task that exists outside of reports? Time can be exported from any task directly from the its view page. To download an Excel file, scroll down to the bottom half of the task and click to reveal […]

Is there a report to see who approved which timesheet?

A customer asked the following question: Is there a report or way to quickly see the approver of timesheets or does it only show up when viewing an individual timesheet? When a timesheet is approved, it is stamped with the name of the approver and the time of approval. This information is visible at the […]

How to Remove the Billable Option from the Add Time Lightbox

Some customers have asked if it’s possible to remove the billable option when adding new time entries. The goal is to prevent users from changing the billable status from its default setting. For example, on billable projects, they want to ensure users can’t uncheck the billable option and accidentally save the time as unbillable. At […]

Can I unsubmit a timesheet?

A customer made the following feature request: When the “Submit for approval” button is pressed accidentally there is no confirmation required nor any way to undo the action. I should be able to retract incomplete or incorrect timesheets so that they are not approved by my manager. When a timesheet is submitted for approval, it […]

Tracking time directly on Cards in Kanban view

A customer asked the following question. We mainly use the Kanban view for our daily sync up meetings but we are hoping to start using the cards to track time too. Is there a way to track time in the Kanban view? The Kanban board that is enabled via the card view functionality includes fully […]

How to Copy a Weekly Timesheet

Copying a weekly timesheet is an ideal tool for people who perform repetitive tasks from week to week. And because you select which time entries to copy, this is a fast and convenient way to enter a day or a week’s worth of time all at once. How it works Copying a weekly timesheet is […]

Can I add multiple time entries to a previous week?

A long-time customer made the following feature request: My favorite feature as a user is the ability to add multiple time entries at once. I use this every week to only enter my data once. Context: I have inadvertently messed it up enough times that I have come to request a new feature/upgrade for this […]

Can I set default rates per client?

A customer asked the following question: I was wondering if there was a way to set default rates for individual clients rather than only having the rates in system wide. Or even on the project level? There is not a way to create a pool of separate defaults for different clients. There is only one […]

How to view other people’s timesheets

Intervals limits the viewing, editing, and approving of other people’s timesheets to only administrator level users. This is by design. A person’s timesheet captures time across multiple projects. A manager level user may or may not have access to those same projects. An administrator level user, however, is able to view all people and projects, […]

How to add time to a project

While Intervals does place an emphasis on tracking time on individual tasks, it does not require you to do so. You also have the option to add general time to projects. In fact, there are plenty of use cases when tracking time at the project level makes more sense: Phone calls that don’t have an […]

How to Import Time

There are a few scenarios where importing time entries is going to be faster and easier than entering them manually. For example, you may need to initialize your account with historical time tracking data. Or, you may have one or more weeks of time tracking data for your entire team in an Excel spreadsheet. The […]

Is there a way to round up time entered?

Yes, but there is a caveat. Some customers like to have uniformity when entering time, so data in reports is easier to digest. Intervals provides a feature for rounding up time when it is being entered. This is most useful when using timers, because timers can stop at odd times. To allow for consistent time […]

Can I still update my timesheet after submitting it for approval?

We received the following question from an Intervals customer: I accidentally submitted an incomplete timesheet. How do I modify it and resbumit the time? When a timesheet is submitted for approval it will remain in that state until an administrator approves it. As long as it hasn’t yet been approved you can continue updating your […]

Time tracking notifications

If you are new to tracking your time or need a friendly nudge, there are two time tracking notifications to help you stay on top of your time tracking and build good habits. The notifications are located beneath your name in the navigation. Click on the “Time tracking” tab to manage the time related notifications. […]

Can I only copy time entries or can I copy my weekly timesheet?

Intervals features a weekly timesheet for each person on your account. All weekly project and task time is listed on this page, where it can be reviewed and edited. There are three different ways to copy time entries from one weekly timesheet to another: Copy individual time entries This method requires copying one entry at […]

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