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Where can I upload documents?

Documents can be uploaded throughout Intervals. The following options are available when uploading documents: Upload a new doc from your Desktop or Google Drive Upload a newer version of a doc, to easily keep track of revisions Drag & Drop files to upload Below are examples of places within Intervals where files can be uploaded. […]

How do I create versions of documents?

Intervals includes document storage with version history to keep a history of iterations.  To view a document’s history, click the “Show document history” link below the file history. To upload a new version of the document, click the upload version icon:

Can I delete documents in bulk when a project is complete?

To bulk delete documents we recommend: First, running a filter on the left to show the documents that you have uploaded for a specific project, client, etc. Next, select the checkboxes on the right (select all or individually choose them). At the bottom of the documents listed, select “Delete” from the “With selected…” drop down. […]

How do I find a document?

Before you begin searching for documents, we want to point out that every document has an optional description field. The search includes this field when searching documents. To search for documents: Use the footer search by typing the document name, and then selecting Documents from the section drop down: You can also search under the […]

Default Invoicing

Any administrator level user with access to Settings & Defaults can modify the default invoicing by navigating to Options > Settings & Defaults > Default invoicing. The default address, fine print, logo, invoice number and taxation can be modified. Intervals supports dual taxation if needed. To edit an invoice, click on the “Edit default invoicing” […]

Default modules

Default Modules help keep your projects organized. It is helpful to think of Modules as a container or bucket where your tasks and time are held. These buckets can be used to run reports on your tasks and time and also manage your projects. Default modules can be customized by any Administrator who has access […]

Default work types

Default Work Types help you quickly create projects. These defaults are copied into each project when you create a project. At the project level, you can customize the Hourly Rate and it will keep the association with the work type. This is useful if your hourly rates change per project, i.e. you give some clients […]

How to manage task statuses

Task Statuses are the global listing of statuses that can be applied to your tasks. If you add a new status it will be immediately available to all of your tasks. If the trash can icon is grayed out , the task status on that line is being used by a task and cannot be […]

Task Priorities

Task Priorities are the global listing of priorities that can be applied to your tasks. Any Administrator level user with access to Settings & Defaults can edit them, by navigating to Options > Settings & Defaults > Task Priorities. If you add a new priority it will be immediately available to all of your tasks. […]

Who is allowed to email tasks?

Sending an email to a task (including milestones) follows the same permissions required to log into the interface and write a comment: Since Administrators can see all projects, they are not bound by project permissions. All other user levels (Manager, Resource and Executive) need to be part of the team for the project that the […]

How does ‘Show widescreen view’ affect the project list?

The widescreen view works like the other listing views (clients, tasks, etc.) where additional columns of information are added to the listing. To enable the widescreen view on projects, roll your mouse over the gear icon and select show “Show widescreen view”. Additional columns of information will appear on the listing. The additional columns are […]

Create and manage project templates via the copy project functionality

Any creative agency that has been in business for a short while will notice similarities between projects for different clients. Projects tend to repeat themselves and there is a lot of overlap between projects when designing and developing web sites. This is especially true for agencies that focus on clients in niche industries. Create a […]

Email integration within Intervals

Each task, milestone, and project has a unique email address in Intervals and thus you can send emails directly to them without having to be logged into the interface. 1. Emailing Tasks & Milestones To email task #123, send an email to Where 123 is the task number, your-subdomain is replaced with your account’s subdomain, […]

How do I append a request to an existing task?

When there is an existing task and a request queue item is related to it, there is a quick way to “merge” them into one. For example, a client may have a detailed project update accompanied by several documents. Instead of emailing you directly they can send the email to the mailbox you have set […]

How does the Hopper whitelist work?

The Hopper whitelist is the optional list of emails that are permitted to send emails to the request queue. Other emails that are accepted are sender email addresses that correspond with a valid client contact or a user with a login. Additionally, the whitelist only applies to emails sent to The whitelist will not […]

How do I use the work request queue?

Overview Intervals was built out of a ticketing system philosophy where a request can be queued, prioritized and assigned.  Here are different ways of working with the request queue: POP/IMAP queue: Intervals will check an email account that you control every 10 minutes to convert emails into work requests. Work requests display under Tasks > Request […]

How do I change my default time zone or locale?

Your Intervals account has a system wide time zone and locale setting that can be edited by any Administrator with access to Settings & Defaults by navigating to Options > Settings & Defaults and scrolling down to the “Regional Settings” section:

How do I add project payments?

Recording payments on each project is a great way to keep track of a project’s outstanding balance. Some projects might receive a payment up front, others may not receive payment until midway through and/or the end. By tracking payments, Intervals is able to show how much work was completed compared to how much money was […]

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