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How to manage email notification preferences

Intervals will automatically notify people when certain events occur, for example, when updating a task or uploading a document. By default, each person with a login will be opted in to these email notifications. If you would like to turn some off, click on Notifications, which can be found in the menu under your profile […]

How to log out of your account

Logging out will end your current session and prevent anyone else from using that device to access your account. We recommend logging out of your account when using a public computer, or if other people have access to your personal computer. To log out of your Intervals account, mouse over your profile picture and name […]

Can I bulk deactivate users?

We received the following support question: We have about 120 users to deactivate however there doesn’t appear to be a bulk action option for the people list. Is there another method where we can do this? Multiple users can be set to inactive by utilizing the “Bulk edit” functionality from the people listing. The steps […]

HTML Decode a String in Excel, No Plugins Required

This function converts an HTML encoded string to its regular text representation without having to install third party plugins. Public Function HtmlDecode(StringToDecode As Variant) As String     Set oMSHTML = CreateObject(“htmlfile”)     Set e = oMSHTML.createElement(“T”)     e.innerHTML = StringToDecode     HtmlDecode = e.innerText End Function To add it to Excel: 1. Type ALT+F11 2. In the File menu […]

Can I change the amount of characters that are allowed when time is added? I need a larger description of work performed.

The default description of work performed is set at 255 characters. If you need more space, there is a setting that can be configured. The 255-character limit is plenty for most of our customers but if you need verbose descriptions of work performed included with each time entry this can be configured to match your […]

Can projects billable / unbillable setting be changed in bulk?

We received the following support question from an Intervals customer: I need some assistance on changing a number of projects. Can we somehow update all projects to be non-billable? When creating new projects there is a billable / unbillable setting that controls the default add time behavior for the project. More information on setting projects […]

Is there an activity log that shows a person’s activity?

An Intervals customer asked the following question: Is there an activity report that shows a user’s activity? We need to see a log file of changes made by a person. Does that exist? When viewing a person in the people section, there is an option to view recent activity for the person. Here is where […]

Keeping notes in the scratchpad

The scratchpad is one of the lesser known Intervals features. However, it’s also one of the most useful for keeping general day-to-day notes. It’s essentially a notepad that’s available from any page within your account, and can be used for just about anything you want to jot down. Keep track of your daily to dos, […]

How do I update my email address?

To update the email address associated with your Intervals account navigate to the “My Account” page. Then click “edit” to modify your profile information. Make the change to your email address and click save.

How do I submit a bug?

If you experience a problem with your Intervals account or if anything is not working properly, here are the steps to submit a bug. 1. Launch Help Click on the help icon at the top right of the page. 2. Click on the “Find a bug?” link 3. Submit the bug Please describe the issue […]

How do I locate and edit “general time” entries?

General time entries are time entries that are not associated with a task. When adding time manually or via a general timer you can select the desired task when applying time. A task is not required and general time can be applied to projects. An Intervals customer asked the following question: I have a project […]

What makes a task “unstarted”?

We received the following question from an Intervals customer. I’m new to Intervals and was looking at the list of projects and noticed that some tasks are marked as unstarted. I’ve looked at one of the tasks and made a comment. Does that mark it as started? A task will be included with unstarted tasks […]

Add a week’s worth of a time at once

One of the main reason’s why someone chooses Intervals over other time tracking systems is the valuable information that is learned from tracking time in a granular fashion. You have full control over your work types, rates, and module structure. You can setup your tracking however you like. If you need to see the time […]

Using the advanced theme editor to customize invoice PDFs

When you export an invoice to PDF, Intervals will apply the colors, fonts, and formatting from your current theme. While that works for most scenarios, there are times when you may want to customize the look of an invoice when saving it as a PDF. For example, some of our darker themes will produce a […]

Do I have to go to to search help articles?

You do not have to leave your Intervals account to search the help documentation. From within your account you can search the help articles directly. You can also contact our support team directly form within your account. Click on the help icon to launch the contextual help menu. The help articles that are suggested will […]

Task List Shortcuts

The task list is the default view when clicking on the Tasks tab. This page can be filtered in any number of ways to narrow down the listing. However, this page also includes a few shortcuts that can be used to update and review tasks without having to click through to each task first. The […]

Reset the cache on your account

If you are using your Intervals account and the experience is less than optimal, it is a good idea to reset the cache on your account to rule out any cache related issues. We use various caching mechanisms and on occasion the cache has to be force cleared. Here are instructions to put your account […]

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