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I accidentally deleted a project or task. Can I undelete it?

When deleting a project there is a confirmation step that shows what is about to be deleted. This confirmation step is in place to make sure that the correct data is being deleted. However, accidental deletions still happen. If you do accidentally delete a project, task, or any other item, there is not a way […]

Saving and scheduling reports for automated delivery

Video Introduction to Saving and Scheduling Reports This video introduces how to save a report and schedule it for automated delivery. Saving a report allows you to run the report again in the future with a single click, and scheduling the report allows you to deliver a PDF or CSV version of the report to […]

How do I see the desktop site on my mobile device?

This help article addresses using the mobile browser and not the Intervals mobile app that can be installed on your mobile device. The mobile app has a more limited experience by design and contains commonly used aspects of Intervals (time tracking, task management, searching for project notes, etc.). When using the mobile browser your mobile […]

Using the bulk edit utility to edit multiple work types

The Settings & Defaults section features a bulk edit utility that can be utilized to quickly update defaults. For example, you might need to deactivate several default modules at once, or change the hourly rate of several default work types. This video example shows how to set work types to active or inactive using the […]

How do I collapse the footer dock to hide the timers?

The footer includes timers and the search bar. The functionality allows you to start, stop, and apply timers from any page. The search functionality allows you to search for tasks, projects, project notes, documents, people, invoices, and the work request queue. There is a link to the advanced search as well. If you find yourself […]

How to implement a task approval workflow

Intervals is a flexible workflow management tool that enables you to implement your favorite methodology. If approving tasks is an important part of your task management workflow, this article will show you how to set it up. Setting up task statuses Task statuses are the steps that a task will traverse on its path from […]

Is there an audit trail on task changes? Are changes logged?

Intervals logs and keeps track of any changes on tasks via the action history. Whenever a task summary changes an email is sent notifying the task owners and assignees of the change. Intervals will markup what has been removed in red with a strike-through and anything new is highlighted in green. This functionality helps bring […]

Using emojis in task comments, project notes, and more

Just say it with emojis! Many teams using Intervals are remote and when working remote, it can be challenging to express yourself effectively. Emojis allow for humor, sarcasm, or to lighten up a difficult task when more than just words are needed. Since this functionality was already available in Windows and macOS, it was a […]

Gantt chart tips & tricks

In the reporting section there is a Gantt and when viewing an individual project in the project section there is a Gantt chart link to view a Gantt chart for that particular project. The Gantt chart helps you visualize your tasks, milestones and projects and includes the ability to drag around elements to reschedule your […]

Can I disable the Advanced Editor being on by default?

By default, the Advanced Editor is turned on. If you don’t typically use the Advanced Editor and prefer to have it turned off by default, there is an option under your account settings to disable this option. Please note: You can always toggle between plain text editing and the Advanced Editor within Intervals. This setting, […]

View more data by hiding filters

Intervals captures a lot of data and it can be quite challenging to squeeze all the information onto one page. We’ve incorporated a way to “hide/unhide” the filters on the list pages, as well as the home page, to provide more screen real estate. Above the filters, click on the collapse arrow to hide/unhide (see […]

Can users edit and delete their own comments?

By default, only Administrator level users are allowed to edit and delete comments on tasks and milestones. Administrators can grant permission to Manager and Resource level users allowing them to edit and delete their own comments.   Note: Administrator level users are the only users that can edit and delete ALL comments. To grant access: […]

Can I include closed tasks in my task list?

Sometimes it’s helpful to see “tasks from the past” when working on specific projects. To easily add them to your current view of tasks, check the box “Include closed tasks,” located under the filter options in the left side bar. Note: this option will remain selected until it is unchecked. The “Clear filter” link does […]

Tracking time on tasks

In Intervals most time is tracked directly onto tasks, although it is not a must. Below are ways in which time can be added to tasks. 1. From the Task List page Right click on task > select Add Time from the menu Note: Right click is available on any location of the task row […]

Update items quickly via Drag & Drop on Calendar

From the Home Page Calendar, quickly update the following items via drag and drop: Task start & due dates Milestone due dates Notes to different days 1. Update task start or due date Drag the beginning of a task to update the start date Drag the end of the task to update the due date Drag the […]

Easily add time from the Home Page

From the Home Page you can quickly and easily add time. Here are a few shortcuts. Ways to add time in Week calendar view Click on the Add Time button. Right click on a day to add time for that day. Need to enter multiple time entries? Click on Add multiple time entries link. Right click […]

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