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Time tracking notifications

If you are new to tracking your time or need a friendly nudge, there are two time tracking notifications to help you stay on top of your time tracking and build good habits. The notifications are located beneath your name in the navigation. Click on the “Time tracking” tab to manage the time related notifications. […]

Is there a report that shows how many tasks are closed per week?

We received the following question from an Intervals customer: Is there a report I can run that shows how many tasks we are closing per week? Ideally by person or by project. Some of our customers user Intervals as a ticketing system. With this use case there is often a need to not only report […]

Who are the system generated emails sent from?

A customer in support recently asked the following question. We use the project budget alert functionality quite a bit. When a budget alert is triggered what email address sends the email? Can we change the master account email or is it one of our users? Most of the alerts that are sent are based on […]

Is there a way to link directly to a task comment?

We received the following feature request from a long-time customer: Since covid our team has been remote and uses Slack as our main communication hub and Intervals as our primary timesheet and task management system. It would be great if there was a way to link directly to a task comment. I know I can […]

Is there a way to delete imported data?

If you import data and decide that you do not want to use the imported data it can be deleted. Navigate to Options (⚙ icon) >> Import & Export Data >> Import History. From the import data page there is a link to “Import history” that lists all previously run imports. From the import history […]

Which report is best to see the total value of work over time?

We received the following support question: Can I see how much total billable work has been done by month or quarter? I don’t need details just totals. I want to analyze my team and clients. Most of the reports show detailed work. The Break It Down report is one of our reports that helps you […]

Can I share a saved filter with other users?

When you have a lot of data it is helpful being able to filter down to the desired data. With Intervals you can save these views so that you can return to the same filter with a single click. We received the following support question: I have a lot of saved task and calendar views […]

How do I schedule an already saved view for email delivery?

If you need to save and schedule a view and the view has not been saved, this help article walks you through saving and scheduling a view. If you would like to schedule an already saved view for email delivery, here are the steps. 1. Navigate to the page where you would like to schedule […]

How to save and schedule views for delivery

One of the features that sets Intervals apart is the ability to take a lot of data and filter it down to the desired view. If you need to narrow in and focus on tasks that are assigned to a certain person and certain project by a certain priority and by due date, you can […]

Can I bulk deactivate users?

We received the following support question: We have about 120 users to deactivate however there doesn’t appear to be a bulk action option for the people list. Is there another method where we can do this? Multiple users can be set to inactive by utilizing the “Bulk edit” functionality from the people listing. The steps […]

How do I delete a user? Is their data deleted?

If a person leaves your organization or you want to revoke a person’s ability to login, we recommend setting the user to inactive. This help article shows how to deactivate a user. When a user is deactivated, they are immediately logged out. Deactivated users cannot log in but their legacy time data, task data, etc. […]

Can I change the amount of characters that are allowed when time is added? I need a larger description of work performed.

The default description of work performed is set at 255 characters. If you need more space, there is a setting that can be configured. The 255-character limit is plenty for most of our customers but if you need verbose descriptions of work performed included with each time entry this can be configured to match your […]

Is there a way to set monthly timesheets?

We received the following support question: We are testing Intervals and have a question, can we setup monthly not weekly timesheets and if not, what do you suggest we do when a week covers two months as we need to close out and report to the government on first of each month our activity in […]

Can projects billable / unbillable setting be changed in bulk?

We received the following support question from an Intervals customer: I need some assistance on changing a number of projects. Can we somehow update all projects to be non-billable? When creating new projects there is a billable / unbillable setting that controls the default add time behavior for the project. More information on setting projects […]

Is there an activity log that shows a person’s activity?

An Intervals customer asked the following question: Is there an activity report that shows a user’s activity? We need to see a log file of changes made by a person. Does that exist? When viewing a person in the people section, there is an option to view recent activity for the person. Here is where […]

How do I update my email address?

To update the email address associated with your Intervals account navigate to the “My Account” page. Then click “edit” to modify your profile information. Make the change to your email address and click save.

Can I update multiple time entries at once? Is there a bulk editor?

Bulk edit time in action (2:15) Multiple time entries can be edited at once directly on the bottom half of the timesheet or by navigating to Time → Edit time. Filter the list of time entries by client, person, project, date range, and more to find the time entries that need updating. Then, click on […]

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