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How do I submit a bug?

If you experience a problem with your Intervals account or if anything is not working properly, here are the steps to submit a bug. 1. Launch Help Click on the help icon at the top right of the page. 2. Click on the “Find a bug?” link 3. Submit the bug Please describe the issue […]

How do I locate and edit “general time” entries?

General time entries are time entries that are not associated with a task. When adding time manually or via a general timer you can select the desired task when applying time. A task is not required and general time can be applied to projects. An Intervals customer asked the following question: I have a project […]

Is there a way to use the imports and set the project team?

A new Intervals customer asked the following question: I am migrating over to Intervals and I have about 50 people to import and over 100 projects. Our team largely works on all the same projects. Is there a way to use the imports and set project access? There is not currently an import specifically for […]

How to utilize the “Add to all future projects” feature

An Intervals customer asked the following question: When setting up new projects do you need to allocate these projects individually to each person or can this be automatically populated as the new project is setup? We have approximately 60 people on the system that we would prefer not to have to go into each individual […]

What makes a task “unstarted”?

We received the following question from an Intervals customer. I’m new to Intervals and was looking at the list of projects and noticed that some tasks are marked as unstarted. I’ve looked at one of the tasks and made a comment. Does that mark it as started? A task will be included with unstarted tasks […]

Add a week’s worth of a time at once

One of the main reason’s why someone chooses Intervals over other time tracking systems is the valuable information that is learned from tracking time in a granular fashion. You have full control over your work types, rates, and module structure. You can setup your tracking however you like. If you need to see the time […]

Do I have to go to to search help articles?

You do not have to leave your Intervals account to search the help documentation. From within your account you can search the help articles directly. You can also contact our support team directly form within your account. Click on the help icon to launch the contextual help menu. The help articles that are suggested will […]

Reset the cache on your account

If you are using your Intervals account and the experience is less than optimal, it is a good idea to reset the cache on your account to rule out any cache related issues. We use various caching mechanisms and on occasion the cache has to be force cleared. Here are instructions to put your account […]

I accidentally deleted a project or task. Can I undelete it?

When deleting a project there is a confirmation step that shows what is about to be deleted. This confirmation step is in place to make sure that the correct data is being deleted. However, accidental deletions still happen. If you do accidentally delete a project, task, or any other item, there is not a way […]

Why is a default work type not showing up when I try to add time?

Whenever time is added (via a timer or manually) the work types that are active and associated with the project will show up as an option. If you are expecting a work type to be there and it is not, the most likely explanation is that the work type has not been added to the […]

Using Images Inline (pasting & dragging)

Video Introduction to Using Images Inline This video introduces how to use images in your worfkow. You can paste images or drag and drop images inline with tasks, milestones, the work request queue, and project notes. Images used with email integration will also maintain their order and formatting. If you are new to Intervals you […]

What does the time round up setting control?

We received this question from a customer. Question in regards to rounding up time. Is there a way to round-up time when approving timesheets for the week? Or is rounding up only an option for each individual time entry? The default time round up setting that is available in the Settings & Defaults section is […]

What does Onboarding & Training mean on the pricing grid?

All plans include onboarding assistance via email and online tickets. We are here to help you get the most out of your Intervals experience regardless of which plan tier you are on. The Onboarding & Training on our pricing grid is a level of service for customers that want one-on-one online meetings and consultations when […]

What is Priority Support?

Priority Support is a level of support offered on certain plans. Typically support requests are handled in the order that they were received. With Priority Support your support requests are given the highest priority and are processed first. Priority Support is ideal for customers who desire the highest level of responsiveness with their Intervals questions […]

What happens when I deactivate a work type?

We received the following question from an Intervals customer. What happens when I deactivate a work type? Am I no longer able to report on that work type? Setting a work type to inactive prevents the work type from being used going forward, it does not impact your ability to report on historical data in […]

Do you offer different pricing for not for profit organizations?

We have a different pricing tier for nonprofit organizations and handle it on a case by case basis. Our program is not a straight percentage discount or a one-time discount but a different pricing tier. The process to activate nonprofit pricing is to sign-up for an Intervals trial account and make sure Intervals is a […]

How do I get a demo? Some one-on-one help would be great.

If you have questions about the best way to use Intervals for your business and need some hands on help no problem. We use GoToMeeting so that we can share screens and walk through any questions. To get a demo scheduled, please complete this demo request form. Since Intervals is used by a lot of […]

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